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Fundació Òpera a Catalunya (FOC, Opera in Catalonia Foundation), has been organised as the instrument required to ensure the continuity and growth of the “Òpera a Catalunya” cycle, which has been led for over 38 years by Associació d’Amics de l’Òpera de Sabadell (AAOS, Friends of the Opera Association of Sabadell).

FOC represents the joint efforts of four prominent institutions of the culture sector: Associació d’Amics de l’Òpera de Sabadell, Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès (Vallès Symphony Orchestra), Fundació Banc Sabadell and Fundació Fluidra. Two of these are leading entities in the dissemination of music and culture by civil initiative in Catalonia, while the other two are corporate foundations with an outstanding contribution to the development of Catalonia through music and culture as well.

All four organisations have their origin and their headquarters in the city of Sabadell and boast a long history of commitment to culture throughout Catalonia.

FOC’s goals are the creation, production, direction, exhibition and communication of opera and lyrical productions, giving continuity to the existing activity in this field. Specifically, it promotes the “Òpera a Catalunya” (Opera in Catalonia) cycle in collaboration with the Department of Culture of the Government of Catalonia, Sabadell City Council, the Spanish Ministry of Culture, Barcelona Provincial Council and other institutions, with the support of various sponsors, collaborators and patrons.

In carrying out this activity, it strives to foster its consolidation and vitality as an opera and symphony production centre rooted in the city of Sabadell, as an engine driving and serving the entire Catalan area, and as a proximity instrument of democratisation, inclusion and territorial integration based on the promotion of music. The cities of Sabadell, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Manresa, Granollers, Reus, Girona, Vic, Tarragona, Lleida, Viladecans, Tortosa and Barcelona form part of the “Òpera a Catalunya” circuit.

In the wake of the historical legacy of AAOS, we are committed to continue working with total dedication, constantly endeavouring to strengthen our values, rigour, quality and spirit of improvement, while fostering private initiative, entrepreneurship, our rooting in society, the backing of young talents, sustainability, efficiency and responsibility.

In this way, in the years to come we seek to gain recognition as a prestigious and strategic top-flight organisation esteemed by the audience, programmers, institutions, sponsors and artists alike.


In 1982, the soprano Mirna Lacambra created Associació d’Amics de l’Òpera de Sabadell (AAOS, Friends of the Opera Association of Sabadell), to organise an opera festival in her city and to ensure its continuity. October of that year saw the Association’s first production, Puccini’s Madama Butterfly, in which the AAOS’s choir, Cor dels Amics de l’Òpera de Sabadell, also made its debut at Teatre La Faràndula in Sabadell.

The ORQUESTRA SIMFÒNICA DEL VALLÈS (Vallès Symphony Orchestra), was formed in 1987 with the twofold purpose of serving opera and of carrying live symphonic music to all the towns in Catalonia. Its opera debut took place on 14th May of that year, likewise at Teatre La Faràndula in Sabadell, with Puccini’s Madama Butterfly. The Orchestra became independent of Amics de l’Òpera de Sabadell in 1988, adopting the form of a cooperative limited company while continuing to collaborate with AAOS in its opera productions.

In a collaboration between the Department of Culture of the Government of Catalonia and AAOS, the idea took shape of carrying operas to other towns. This led to the organisation of the “ÒPERA A CATALUNYA” cycle in 1989. The project helped to ensure the continuity of Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès and to disseminate opera and symphonic music across Catalonia. Thanks to this cultural project, thousands of people have been able to discover the world of music, opera and symphony. This led to the organisation of the “ÒPERA A CATALUNYA” cycle in 1989. The project helped to ensure the continuity of Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès and to disseminate opera and symphonic music across Catalonia. Thanks to this cultural project, thousands of people have been able to discover the world of music, opera and symphony.

All this activity serves the purpose of disseminating opera and of discovering new talents. Over the course of these 37 years, some 900 performances have been offered in Sabadell, Girona, Granollers, Lleida, Manresa, Reus, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Tarragona, Tortosa, Vic, Viladecans, Mataró, Badalona, Vilafranca del Penedès, Terrassa, Olesa de Montserrat, Sitges, Valls, Cervera, Balaguer and Figueres, as well as in the Cap Roig and Blanes festivals. Beyond Catalonia, the cycle has visited Andorra, Oviedo, Murcia, Jerez de la Frontera and Montevideo.

L’any 1996 es crea l’ESCOLA D’ÒPERA DE SABADELL, a la qual s’accedeix per mediació de proves de selecció a través del Concurs MIRNA LACAMBRA. L’Escola s’adreça a la professionalització de joves cantants els quals tenen l’oportunitat de formar-se i participar en un muntatge professional per primer cop. Aquestes característiques la fan única a l’estat, donant oportunitat a joves valors.

In short, this is the profile of a young active organisation whose enterprising and courageous spirit, thanks to its members (who form the backbone of the Association) and the support of the Government of Catalonia, Sabadell City Council, the Spanish Ministry of Culture – INAEM, Barcelona Provincial Council and Fundació Banc Sabadell, has never wavered down through the years.

The Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès (OSV) is an organisation that has been carrying music to people’s hearts since 1987.

Emotion is our strong point and, to convey it, we seek to obtain our audience’s participation and to approach our audience, introducing innovations in musical formats and in ways of making music, while strengthening our commitment to value with our community, which extends from our home in the city of Sabadell to every corner of Catalonia.

Indeed, we are unique. We came into being 32 years ago within the framework of Associació d’Amics de l’Òpera de Sabadell, but just one year later we became the only symphonic orchestra in Spain organised as a cooperative limited company, in which the members are both the workers and the owners.

We are solidary. We believe that music is a means of social transformation, a factor that helps to enhance our surroundings, and an essential instrument for the development of all people.

We are innovators. We work to develop new audiences for classical music, innovating formats and establishing a dialogue with other artistic disciplines such as cinema, dance, theatre and literature.

Fundació Fluidra was created in 2016 to put the knowledge that the company Fluidra had acquired about water over the course of its 50 years of history at the service of society and, especially, of the people who are most in need of it. At Fluidra, the Foundation is conceived as a natural step in its commitment to society, with the aim of better focusing its corporate social responsibility initiatives and achieving major impacts.

The activities of Fundació Fluidra are organised along two lines: water and music. In this way, the projects carried out by the Foundation align with two basic commitments: social commitment, involving projects addressed to accessibility, awareness and education about the use of water; and cultural commitment, aimed primarily towards fostering music as an element that serves to educate and dignify people.

Fundació Banc Sabadell was established as a private foundation in 1994 for the purpose of stimulating excellence and promoting knowledge and culture.

The Foundation’s goal is to foster dissemination, training and research activities in the educational, scientific and cultural fields, and to cultivate and support young talent. Over the course of its history, Fundació Banc Sabadell has helped to promote activities in these fields and it has become consolidated as the organiser of the prestigious Fundació Banc Sabadell Awards for Biomedical Research, for Economic Research, and for Sciences and Engineering.


Teatre Municipal La Faràndula

Teatre Fortuny

Teatre Kursaal

Sant Cugat del Vallès


Teatre L`Atlàntida

Teatre de La Llotja

Teatre Municipal

Teatre Auditori

Teatre Tarragona

Teatre Auditori Felip Pedrell